Program committee

Alberto SonninoMeta
Andrew Lewis-PyeLondon School of Economics
Aniket KatePurdue University
Anthony Lee ZhangUniversity of Chicago Booth School of Business
Archita AgarwalDenison University
Arthur GervaisImperial College London
Avishay YanaiVMware Research
Aviv ZoharHebrew University of Jerusalem
Catherine MeadowsUS Naval Research Laboratory
Christian CachinUniversity of Bern
Chryssis GeorgiouUniversity of Cyprus, Cyprus
Clara ShikhelmanChaincode Labs
Daniel AronoffMassachusetts Institute of Technology
Dionysis ZindrosStanford University
Eli Ben-SassonStarkWare
Ethan HeilmanBoston University
Guy GorenTechnion
Hanna HalaburdaNYU Stern School of Business
Hanna HalaburdaNYU Stern School of Business
Hong-Sheng ZhouVirginia Commonwealth University
Jiasun LiGeorge Mason University
Jing ChenAlgorand
Joseph BonneauNew York University
Kartik NayakDuke University
Maria Potop-ButucaruSorbonne Université, CNRS, Laboratoire d'Informatique de Paris 6, LIP6, Paris, France
Matheus Venturyne Xavier FerreiraHarvard University
Maurice Herlihy chairBrown University
Mohsen LesaniUnivsersity of California, Riverside
Naama Ben-DavidVMware
Neha Narula chairMIT
Nitin VaidyaGeorgetown University
Patrick McCorryNewcastle University
Pedro Moreno-SanchezIMDEA Software Institute
Peter RobinsonConsenSys
Rati GelashviliAptos
Rati GelashviliAptos
Reuben Youngblom chairMIT DCI/Stanford University
Rida A. BazziArizona State University
Roger WattenhoferETH Zurich
Romaric LudinardIMT Atlantique, IRISA
Sara Tucci-PiergiovanniCEA LIST, Université Paris-Saclay, France
Sarah AzouviProtocol Labs
Sarit MarkovichNorthwestern University Kellogg School of Management
Stefan SchmidUniversity of Vienna & TU Berlin
Tarun ChitraGauntlet
Victor LuchangcoAlgorand
Yonatan SompolinskyHarvard
Yun LuUniversity of Edinburgh
Zeta AvarikiotiIST Austria